teamotionWe are excited to introduce a lovely brand of loose leaf tea that was created with your emotional wellbeing in mind. Teamotion is a unique company with a story of compassion and healing behind it’s beginning. 

Let’s take a quick look at these teas and the story behind them. Be sure to enjoy a cup of one of these teas the next time you come into the office!

Teamotion's Story

This story is one of sisterly love in a time of heartbreaking loss. When Rachel went through the devastating loss of her twin girls shortly after their birth, her sister Crystal came alongside her with compassion and care. 

As they looked for help to deal with their grief through books, support groups, and the like, they found it that it simply wasn’t enough. The hard path of grief had no answers. 

During this time it seemed like Rachel always had a cup of tea with her. One especially difficult morning, Crystal wedged herself in the armchair next to Rachel and said, “I wish there was something I could put in your tea to make you feel better.”

In that moment, as the sisters looked at each other, the idea of Teamotions was born! As they began their research, they realized that there was no other tea on the market designed to nurture your mind, body, and soul. It took a year and a half to formulate blends that were both therapeutic and delicious, but it was well worth the investment. 

Teamotion Products


The quality of these teas and their unique design make them like no other. They are...


  • Purposefully crafted for your emotional well-being: formulated to have unique mental, physical, and emotional benefits. 
  • Blended intentionally with love and adaptogen herbs: herbs that restore balance, increase inner strength, and improve your body’s ability to deal with stress.
  • Created to be beautiful and delicious: with all-natural flavors, they are as delicious as they are effective. (It won first place in the flavored herbal tea category at the North American Tea Championship in 2011 and the Best New Product at the Fancy Food Show in San Francisco.)
  • Organic whole leaf teas that are responsibly sourced: the quality is assured by ingredients that are inspected by hand, blended in small batches, and packaged with care.

Adaptogen Herbs

Adaptogen herbs “have the ability to regulate and balance the intricate connections between the brain and the nervous system, the endocrine system, and the immune system.” 

They are thought to significantly support both emotional and physical health by:

  • Helping the body adapt to stress
  • Supporting metabolic functions
  • Restoring balance
  • Boosting immunity

These herbs are effective without adverse side effects, non-toxic, and safe for everyday use.

Enjoy a Cup at Our Office!

We are excited to offer this tea for you to enjoy the next time you are in the office. With so many amazing teas to try, we had trouble deciding which to order for the office. We decided that we would start with Seek Peace and Discover Joy, because who couldn’t use a little more peace and joy.

Give us a call to get your next appointment scheduled, and we will have the teapot waiting!

Dr. Jamie



Rooibos Coconut Chai (caffeine free)

Foster inner peace with milk thistle and dandelion root in a blend of red rooibos, bold chai spices, and creamy coconut.

Milk thistle and dandelion root are liver support herbs. They help the liver to function optimally aiding energy and blood to flow smoothly throughout the body relieving feelings of anger and frustration and balancing hormones.


Lemon Vanilla Green

Feel happier with ashwagandha, lemongrass, and oatstraw in a blend of green and oolong tea, bright lemon, and sweet vanilla.

Ashwagandha has been used for centuries as an effective remedy for sadness and fatigue. The complementary herbs, lemongrass, and oatstraw help calm nerves, enhance mood, and provide B vitamins, and minerals.