I am more concerned about the level of movement you get throughout the day than how much you workout. Our culture is so focused on exercise that we forget the value of simply moving throughout the day.
We think we are living an active lifestyle if we go to the gym regularly; however, if we sit the rest of the day, we are still living a sedentary lifestyle.
Let's explore how we can change our mindset around movement.
The Danger of Sitting
According to Dr. James Levine, the director of the Mayo Clinic-Arizona State University Obesity Solutions Initiative, “Sitting is more dangerous than smoking, kills more people than HIV, and is more treacherous than parachuting. We are sitting ourselves to death.”
Even more surprising is that the negative effects of sitting are apparent in those who exercise daily. We need to change our view of movement and find ways to incorporate natural movement into each part of our day!
Cavemen's Workouts
When you think about the history of mankind, setting time aside to exercise is a fairly new concept. Movement was simply a part of life for most of our ancestors, as their survival depended on it. They didn’t need to go to a gym, because they moved to secure food, shelter, and safety.
This functional movement got their whole bodies moving; they did natural movements in a natural environment. This is very different from the precise repetitive movements that most of our workouts at the gym include.
Are You Living in Captivity?
In the wild, orca whales can swim 100 miles daily while foraging for food. In captivity, this natural unrestricted movement is not possible. Instead of swimming through the ocean without restriction, the captive orca spends its day swimming in circles. This lack of natural movement is one reason an orca’s fin may collapse while living in captivity.
As humans, we restrict our movement due to work, busyness, or other lifestyle choices. We have put ourselves into “captivity” without even realizing it!
Ways We Put Ourselves in Captivity
- spending hours in one position (sitting in a chair at work or resting on a couch at home)
- walking on flat ground
- binding our feet in shoes (sometimes really unnatural shoes like high heels)
- engaging in repetitive exercise
- using machines that force our bodies into precise, but unnatural movements (ellipticals, treadmills, etc.)
Human’s “Collapsed Fin”
Instead of a collapsed fin, our lack of natural movement can show up in...
- knee pain
- hip pain
- collapsed arches
- arthritis in your joints
- tight hamstrings
- leaky pelvic floors
- bunions, etc.
Many patients tell me that they have “bad knees” or a “bad back," but most never consider why. We must look at how we move (or do not move) our bodies, as well as the cumulative stress we have put (or not put) on our muscles, ligaments, tendons, and joints.
Incorporating Natural Movement in Your Life
Long-term change is the goal, so start small and work your way up.
- walk somewhere instead of driving
- sit on the floor instead of reclining on the couch
- take a movement break at work
- make a phone call while standing
- have a walking meeting
- skip using a food processor and chop it yourself
- carry your child instead of using a stroller
- use the basket instead of a grocery cart
- put on music and dance around your house instead of watching TV
- take the stairs instead of the elevator
- walk on an incline
- park further away at a store
Also, remember that movement doesn’t have to mean moving your body from one place to another. I consider it “moving more” when your muscles are more engaged. For example, sitting on a stool would be moving more than lounging on a La-Z-Boy since your muscles are more engaged to support your body.
Think about how children move during their day; much of it is spontaneous and fun. We can learn a lot from them. The best way to incorporate movement into your daily life is to make it enjoyable. What type of movement would you like to be part of your day?
Dr. Jamie